WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

USDOE Hires Arizona to Design CO2- and Coal-to-Methane Reactor

United States Patent: 8529645

We remind you of our recent report, as accessible via:

USDOE and Arizona Coal to Methane + Electricity | Research & Development | News; concerning: "United States Patent 8,236,072 - System and Method for Producing Substitute Natural Gas from Coal; 2012; Inventor: Raymond Hobbs, AZ; Assignee: Arizona Public Service Company, Phoenix; Abstract: The present invention provides a system and method for producing substitute natural gas and electricity, while mitigating production of any greenhouse gasses. The system includes a hydrogasification reactor, to form a gas stream including natural gas and a char stream, and an oxygen burner to combust the char material to form carbon oxides. The system also includes an algae farm to convert the carbon oxides to hydrocarbon material and oxygen.  ... Government Interests: This invention was made with Government support under DOE Contract No. DE-FC26-06NT42759 awarded by the Department of Energy. The Government has certain rights in this invention. Claims:  A system for producing substitute natural gas and electricity, the system comprising: a hydrogasification reactor for reacting hydrogen with coal. ... The system for producing substitute natural gas and electricity ... wherein the algae farm includes material to convert carbon oxides from the oxygen burner to hydrocarbon material and oxygen";

Saudi July 10, 2014 Sunshine Converts CO2 into Hydrocarbon Fuel

United States Patent Application: 0140194539

Since the truth seems so out of fashion nowadays, we'll keep this particular exposition of it as brief as we reasonably can, so as not to offend too many people; and, so that everyone can get quickly back to what they seem to truly enjoy, such as amusing themselves with fantasies about the greater glories of shale gas and indulging themselves with impotent rants to their cloistered circle of like-minded colleagues about the evils of the US EPA and the EPA's carbon emission rules.

Carbon Dioxide, in sum, no matter what you've been told, no matter what you think you know, is a valuable raw material resource. 

July 8, 2014, Coal and Carbon-Recyling Wastes to Methane

United States Patent: 8771388

The University of California, in the persons of Professor Joseph Norbeck and his immediate colleagues, has established an immense and comprehensive body of technology for converting Coal, along with an extensive array of renewable and Carbon-recycling wastes, indirectly, through an initial process of gasification, into synthetic liquid hydrocarbon transportation fuels and into synthetic natural gas Methane.

USDOE and US Navy Improve CO2 + H2O = Hydrocarbon Syngas

United States Patent: 8354011

We first remind you of the "syntrolysis" Carbon Dioxide utilization technology developed, primarily, at the USDOE's Idaho National Laboratory, by the USDOE and the company who appear to have been the DOE's primary contractors in the effort, Ceramatec, Incorporated, of Salt Lake City, Utah.

Purdue University Explains More Coal Conversion Basics


As can be seen in our prior report of:

Purdue University Explains Basics of Coal-To-Liquid Fuels | Research & Development | News; concerning Purdue University's presentation, or "File":

"Coal-To-Liquids (CTL) & Fischer-Tropsch Processing (FT); CCTR Basics Facts File #1; The Energy Center at Discovery Park; Purdue University; West Lafayette, Indiana; June, 2007; CTL Technology: There are two main processes: Coal to Syngas (and) Syngas to FT Fuels; With two major equipment needs: Coal Gasifier; (for) Coal to SynGas; (and) FT Reactor (for) SynGas to FT Products. ... Beginnings of the FT Process: (The Fischer-Tropsch process) was used by Germany and Japan during WWII to produce alternative fuels. FT Process Basics; The Fischer-Tropsch process uses hydrogen (H2) and carbon monoxide (CO) to make different types of hydrocarbons with various H2-CO ratios (and, in) a CTL facility the H2 and CO can be supplied from the coal gasifier. FT + Catalysis: The FT Process is a catalyzed chemical reaction in which carbon monoxide and hydrogen are converted into liquid hydrocarbons of various forms. Catalysts ... quicken the speed of the reaction. What can be Produced from a CTL Facility? - - Ammonia Fertilizer; - - Methanol/DME/Propylene; - - Electricity' - - Diesel Fuel; Kerosene; Jet Fuel; - - Gasoline; - - Waxes; Lubricants; Detergents; - - Electricity; - - Synthetic Natural Gas";