WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

2006 Global Coal-to-Liquid Workshop

An international "workshop" on Coal-to-liquids was sponsored back in November of 2006, apparently in Paris, by the International Energy Agency's Coal Industry Advisory Board.
The attached/linked presentation, "Coal-to-Liquids - An Alternative Oil Supply?", is the result of their deliberations.
A lengthy document, it, interestingly, touches on some of the CoalTL developments in Japan, which we've made report of a few times - though China and South Africa are the primary focus. Some stuff in the USA, as well, but concerning mostly non-major players.
Don't know if we'll ever work it into a CoalTL report - we have more than 10,000 reports in process/recorded references to follow up on, and it's a challenge to stay organized, much less current.