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AEI and repealing EISA Section 526

As per the post and comment below on AEI, maybe Senator Manchin, et. al., saw our post of four and a half years ago:
Repeal 526 Anti-Coal Liquefaction Bill | Research & Development | News; "That 526 could have slipped apparently unnoticed into the books, in the first place, should be source of some embarrassment, we would think, to the Coal Country press and Coal Country legislators. Letting it sit in there, smothering our potentials for Coal Country economic growth and US energy security, without trying to at least raise a hue and cry about it, should be a source of shame";
and finally decided to do something about it. But, as we've continued to consider the issue, it seems apparent, even in spite of WVU's study, as mentioned on AEI, that a large-scale industrialization of Coal-to-liquid could put our Coal-fired power industry, and their customers, in a price bind. The value of Coal would certainly go up.
Maybe the smart wave of the future is Carbon Dioxide recycling into hydrocarbon fuels and chemicals,  a concept being reduced to industrial practice elsewhere in the world and one which could actually enhance the value and profitability of Coal-fired power generators.  
Hopefully of interest:

The news article linked below is from April 29 of this year. Why hasn't anything been published or broadcast about it in our public media? They have been quite successfully converting Coal on a large scale industrial and commercial basis into synthetic diesel and gasoline, and other hydrocarbon products, in the nation of South Africa for more than half a century. China is now building out a massive industry to do the same things with Coal. But, Section 526 of the 2007 EnergyIndependence and Security Act prohibits the US Government, including our military, from buying liquid hydrocarbon fuels made from Coal.

But, this spring, as excerpted from the linked article:

"A group of U.S. senators, including John Barrasso (R-WY), Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), last week reintroduced the North American Alternative Fuels Act, which would repeal Section 526 of the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA). Passed in 2007, the EISA prohibits the federal government or U.S. military from purchasing fuel produced from coal",

Why hasn't anyone thought it worth educating the US Coal Country public about this patriotic and politically bi-partisan effort? Can you imagine the jobs and industries we could create in Coal Country if genuine patriots - Republicans and Democrats - all across the USA, much less just those in West Virginia, Kentucky, Wyoming, Pennsylvania and etc., were as informed as they should be?

Why aren't we, and all of our channels of public communication and all our Coal Country elected representatives, organizing to support Senators Manchin, Heitkamp and Barrasso in these efforts?
