WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Australian Artificial Photosynthesis and CO2 to Methanol


We've noted for you that there exist some globally-organized groups focused on the development of artificial photosynthesis technology for the solar light-driven and productive chemical utilization of Carbon Dioxide.

Not well-publicized is the fact that our USDOE has been an active participant in those international groups, as can be learned via:

Solar Energy Innovation | Solar Fuels Instiute; "The SOFI team dreams big. We believe the development of a carbon neutral solar fuel is the greatest energy opportunity of our lifetime. Using just sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water, we can create a clean liquid fuel that could someday power our cars, airplanes, and homes without contributing to climate change"; and:

Renewable Energy Reclaims Coal Power Plant Carbon Dioxide

United States Patent Application: 0130152596

This will be an overlong, rambling dispatch; and, we apologize for that. But, the point we hope and intend to make herein is one we have often repeated; one which, the sooner it's recognized and accepted, will make our lives in US Coal Country, in the entire United States of America, indeed, in the entire world, better. 

Carbon Dioxide, as it arises in only a small way, relative to natural sources of emission, such as the Earth's inexorable processes of planetary volcanism, from our essential use of Coal in the generation of abundant, reliable and truly economical electric power, is a precious, even a vital, resource.


WVU Expands Coal Liquefaction Product Yield

United States Patent: 8882862

Our title doesn't adequately summarize the intent or purpose of the West Virginia University technology related to the conversion of Coal into synthetic liquid petroleum we submit to you herein.

In brief, petroleum refining processes, intended to produce liquid hydrocarbon fuels, center on the function of adding Hydrogen to carbonaceous feed stocks, in order to make hydrocarbons; or, conversely, on removing some Carbon from hydro-carbonaceous feed stocks in order to improve the relative Hydrogen-to-Carbon content, again to make useable hydrocarbons.

Germany to Convert Coal Power Plant CO2 into Methanol

Carbon Recycling International implements power-to-fuel technology in Germany

The nation of Germany is already converting Coal-fired power plant exhaust gas Carbon Dioxide into hydrocarbons, into organic chemicals that can, and do, serve as substitutes for the same compounds ordinarily derived from natural petroleum; and, which organic chemicals are used in the manufacture of certain high-volume, high-performance commercial plastics, or, more accurately, polymers.

West Virginia 2014 CO2 to Hydrocarbon Synthesis Gas

United States Patent: 8658311

We're a little late getting news of this to you.

But, the United States Government's rapid confirmation of the West Virginia-originated technology for Carbon Dioxide utilization about which we reported in:

WVU Battery Converts CO2 + H2O into Hydrocarbon Syngas | Research & Development | News; concerning: "United States Patent Application 20130122381 - High Temperature Rechargeable Battery For Greenhouse Gas Decomposition And Oxygen Generation; May 16, 2013; Inventors: Bruce S. Kang and Huang Guo, Morgantown, WV; Abstract: This invention shows a high temperature rechargeable battery system for energy storage, oxygen generation, and decomposition of oxygen-containing gases (e.g. CO2/H2O ... . ... With carbon capture and sequestration becoming a key element in worldwide efforts to control/minimize CO2 emission, it can be anticipated that large amount of CO2 will become available for use as feedstock for innovative conversions into synthetic fuels. This invention shows a high temperature rechargeable battery system for decomposition of oxygen containing gases ... . ... During battery discharge, GHG such as CO2/H2O ... can be decomposed into syngas (CO+H2) ... (and) solar, wind or other renewable energy can be used to charge the battery ... . ... The present invention relates to the high temperature rechargeable battery system using oxygen ion conducting electrolyte which could be capable of utilizing renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power for ... converting GHG, into ... syngas";