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Coal-to-Liquid Fuels - New York Times


Should the link not open, here's the entire text of the letter to the NYT editor, from an authoritative source:
"Coal-to-Liquid Fuels, Published: June 6, 2007
To the Editor:

Re ''The Coal Trap'' (editorial, May 30):

A recent study by the Department of Energy's Idaho National Laboratory shows that coal-to-liquid diesel fuels will be at least as clean as the fuels they replace, or cleaner. In fact, the laboratory concluded that coal-to-liquid fuels can be up to 46 percent cleaner in terms of carbon dioxide emissions using a biomass co-feed.

The laboratory also found that coal-to-liquid fuels will dramatically reduce emissions of harmful pollutants like nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide and particulate matter. (emphasis - JtM)

The Idaho National Laboratory report is a case study of a real-world coal-to-liquid facility set for construction in southeastern Ohio. A limited package of federal support for coal-to-liquid fuels is needed to reduce America's foreign oil dependency and to guard against foreign energy cartel price manipulation.

A robust domestic coal-to-liquid industry offers the dual benefit of greater energy security and environmental performance.

Kraig R. Naasz
President and Chief Executive
National Mining Association
Washington, June 4, 2007


Coal Gasification Surging in China - WSJ - Seeking Alpha


An excerpt:
"A boom in coal-to-chemicals conversion in China will likely have significant impact on global chemical manufacturers, the WSJ reported Monday. China is actively encouraging the growth of coal-to-chemicals in a bid to reduce its dependence on expensive imported natural gas. The Gasification Technologies Council, a trade group, said China has built almost 20 coal conversion plants over the past two years. Such plants, which render coal into a gas that can be used as a raw material in myriad products, use technology advanced by General Electric (GE) and Royal Dutch Shell (RDS), among others..."
As we've earlier informed you, China has 88 of these babies scheduled in their current 5-year Plan.
How many are planned in WV?

Asia Times Online: China Business News - China Seeks to Cool Coal-Conversion Industry


China is attempting to slow down the pace of CTL development for their fuel and chemical industries - not because it's a bad idea, but because it's such a good idea too many foreign companies are getting involved and the Chinese government is having trouble managing all the activity.
That, at least, is our read of the attached article from Beijing.
Note the aggressive participation by Shell and SASOL - whom we've previously identified for you as commercial practitioners of coal alchemy.
What do you think?

ScienceDirect - Fuel: Liquefaction Process with Botom Recycling for Complete Conversion of Brown Coal


But, the article discusses the liquefaction of brown coal - lignite - similar, probably, in quality and organic content to stuff we used to discard in WV, a lot of which is still lying about in waste piles waiting for us to scoop it up and turn it into gasoline - as they are preparing to do in Schuykill, PA.
Now, another thing is:
The authors are Japanese researchers working for a Japanese steel company.
They don't have a big bunch of coal in Japan, Mike. But, they still see it as worth doing.
They might well be involved in Malaysia's coal-to-oil plant, which we earlier alerted you to.
Why the heck not WV?

BP Reinforces its Commitment to China | Press Release | BP


The excerpt:
"Under the agreement, CECC is intended to integrate individual clean energy related technologies - coal gasification, coal to liquids, coal to chemical, carbon capture and storage, coal bed methane and underground gasification - from CAS institutes and other organizations both within and outside the PRC, into competitive integrated feedstock manufacturing and product distribution systems and solutions such as polygeneration complexes."
A pretty thorough program - all in service to the 5-Year Plan for 88 coal-to-liquid conversion plants.
What, would you suppose, is a "polygeneration" complex. If you explore BP's developments in alternate energies, you might gain some insight. An good guess is that one of the "alternates" has something to do with algae and flue gas.
If you're of a mind to investigate more thoroughly, their PR folks are:
BP China Press Office
Phone : +8610 84795122
They almost certainly speak English.
By the way, we believe Chris Hamilton, copied in, has visited one of the Chinese CTL facilities. He could, no doubt, provide you with more insight.