Coal-to-Liquid Fuels - New York Times


Should the link not open, here's the entire text of the letter to the NYT editor, from an authoritative source:
"Coal-to-Liquid Fuels, Published: June 6, 2007
To the Editor:

Re ''The Coal Trap'' (editorial, May 30):

A recent study by the Department of Energy's Idaho National Laboratory shows that coal-to-liquid diesel fuels will be at least as clean as the fuels they replace, or cleaner. In fact, the laboratory concluded that coal-to-liquid fuels can be up to 46 percent cleaner in terms of carbon dioxide emissions using a biomass co-feed.

The laboratory also found that coal-to-liquid fuels will dramatically reduce emissions of harmful pollutants like nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide and particulate matter. (emphasis - JtM)

The Idaho National Laboratory report is a case study of a real-world coal-to-liquid facility set for construction in southeastern Ohio. A limited package of federal support for coal-to-liquid fuels is needed to reduce America's foreign oil dependency and to guard against foreign energy cartel price manipulation.

A robust domestic coal-to-liquid industry offers the dual benefit of greater energy security and environmental performance.

Kraig R. Naasz
President and Chief Executive
National Mining Association
Washington, June 4, 2007