Cambria Cogeneration Company


An excerpt from the linked page:
Cambria Cogeneration Company

This 85 MW, base load, circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler plant is a Qualifying Facility that began commercial operations in March 1991. It has an agreement to supply power to Pennsylvania Electric Company until March 2011. The waste coal burned by the plant helps eliminate the source of acid water run-off from waste coal piles in the area and the ash produced by the plant is used beneficially to restore the landscape after removal of the waste coal.

As we've been attempting to explain, there is actual fuel value in coal mine waste - as exemplified by the Schuylkill waste-to-oil facility.
Another fact that might not be well know is that at least some coal mine refuse can used as power plant fuel - if the appropriate designs and combustion processes are utilized.
The Cambria facility noted herein is just one of more than a dozen such facilities already operating in Pennsylvania. They are generating electricity with coal mine refuse as part of their feed, and cleaning up the environment at the same time.