
A Litle Light Info

"If you consider that there has been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations during the past 22 months, and a total of 2112 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000 soldiers. The firearm death rate in Washington , DC is ...80.6 per 100,000 for the same period. That means you are about 25 per cent more likely to be shot and killed in the US capital, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the US, than you are in Iraq.


IL Backsmith Group Needs Sewell Coal Supply

“I am looking for a source of Sewell vein coal. I checked out the www.wvcoal.com website and it indicated the Sewell vein is located in the following counties: Greenbrier, Raleigh, and Nicholas, among others. I am wondering if you could assist me in finding a mine where we could purchase a semi-truckload of Sewell vein coal. We are prepared to take 22-25 tons.” Contact: Thomas J. Pliura, M.D., J.D., P.C., Physician & Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 130, Le Roy, IL 61752 -- Ph. (309) 962-2299 -- Fax (309) 962-4646
e-mail: tom.pliura@zchart.com

Support American Coal Mining Jobs & Affordable Energy

Legislation introduced in the U.S. House by Rep. Frank Palone (D-N.J.) and in the U.S. Senate by Sens. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) and Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) will severely restrict all types of coal mining, threatening thousands of high-paying coal jobs.

ACT now and urge Congress to reject the so-called "Clean Water Protection Act" (H.R. 1310) and the "Appalachian Restoration Act" (S. 696).

These bills jeopardize the future of domestic coal mining and will saddle American consumers and businesses with massive energy price hikes. Hundreds of thousands of mining jobs could be lost and many projects that help stimulate the economy will never be brought to fruition.

ACT now and urge Congress to reject misguided and ill-informed efforts to prohibit mining practices that create good American jobs and help power our homes and businesses with abundant and affordable domestic energy.

To write your members of Congress, please click here.


Coal Refuse Disposal Facility Seminar

The West Virginia Coal Association and Geo/Environmental Associates, Inc. will lead a COAL REFUSE DISPOSAL FACILITY SEMINAR featuring Simplified Seismic Design on Friday, April 16, 2010 at the Embassy Suites in Charleston, WV.  This seminar will provide an overview of the new requirements for seismic design in the MSHA Engineering and Design Manual for Coal Refuse Disposal Facilities which may intimidate the uninformed.  Eight (8) PDH hours will be awarded for this one-day seminar.  Presentations will be geared toward those who manage and build these structures so they can understand the new requirements and make informed decisions.  For more info, visit www.geoe.com or contact Carol Moore at 865-584-0344 Ext. 102 or clmoore@geoe.com.

Stop EPA from Imposing Job Killing Climate Regulations - Write Your Senators Today

America's future economic prosperity relies on the availability of affordable, domestic energy. Unfortunately, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could soon impose a massive new global warming scheme on America's economy designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But you can stop them.

If you haven't already done so, please write your Senators today.

If EPA gets its way, American energy supplies could be severely constrained, leaving American families with massive new energy bills and American businesses buried under a mountain of bureaucratic red tape.

EPA could be stopped in its tracks by a bipartisan resolution (S.J. Res. 26) recently introduced by Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.).

By your urging your Senators to co-sponsor the bipartisan resolution you can help stop stop unelected EPA bureaucrats from ignoring the will of the American people.

ACT now and urge your Senators to co-sponsor S.J. Res. 26,please click here.
Thank you for your support.