| Published: Sunday, February 7, 2010 Updated: Sunday, February 7, 2010 Attack the coal industry but not its people On my way to class Feb. 3, I picked up The Daily Athenaeum. Normally, I enjoy reading everything it has to offer even if I do not agree with all of the opinions voiced. Not even halfway through Shields’ article, “The State of West Virginia tied to the coal industry for too long,” I knew I could not let him get away with all of his slander. I am all for voicing your opinion, but when your opinions stoop as low as Shields’, calling those who run the coal industry “a miserable racket of thugs,” this becomes unacceptable. I highly doubt that Shields’ has met every leader in the coal industry to reinforce his opinion. As the daughter of a coal “thug,” I hope that the DA will refrain from publishing these insults. Talk about the downside of coal all you want, that argument will never be resolved. Attacking the people of the coal industry is completely uncalled for and beyond offensive. Opinions should be voiced in order to better our society and provoke thought, not to hurt, offend and defame others, especially if the author has no legitimate facts to support this opinion. Michelle Raney Exercise physiology major
ScienceDirect - Fuel : Reaction of methane with coal
In an earlier dispatch detailing the US Gas Research Institute's US Patent 4609440, wherein Carbon Dioxide is converted into Methane, we indicated that, among other valuable potentials, Methane can be employed in indirect coal conversion processes, by addition to the synthesis gas generated from Coal, to enhance the quality of the syngas prior to catalysis, and thereby improve the quality and quantity of the liquid fuels produced.
It can, in fact, supply the additional Hydrogen needed to effect the conversion of highly-carbonaceous raw materials, such as Coal, into hydrocarbon liquids.
Herein, we document that Exxon, at work with Australian collaborators, knows it.
Following are excerpts from:
"Reaction of Methane with Coal
Kezhan Yang, Barry D. Batts; Macquarie University, Macquarie, NSW 2109, Australia
Martin L. Gorbaty, Peter S. Maa; Exxon Research and Engineering Company, Annandale, NJ, USA
Mervyn A. Long; University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia; et.al.
Abstract: The reactivities of Australian coals and one American coal with methane or methane-hydrogen mixtures, in the range 350–400°C and a range of pressures (6.0–8.3 MPa, cold) have been examined. The effects of aluminophosphates (AlPO) or zeolite catalysts, with and without exchanged metals, on reactivity have also been examined. Yields of dichloromethane extractable material are increased by using a methane rather than a nitrogen atmosphere and different catalysts assist dissolution to various extents. It appears that surface exchanged catalysts are effective, but incorporating metals during AlPO lattice formation is detrimental. Aluminium phosphate catalysts are unstable to water produced during coal conversion, but are still able to increase extraction yields. For the American coal, under methane-hydrogen and a copper exchanged zeolite, 51.5% conversion was obtained, with a product selectivity close to that obtained under hydrogen alone, and with only 2% hydrogen consumption. The conversion under methane-hydrogen was close to that obtained under hydrogen alone, while a linear dependence of conversion on proportion of methane would predict a 43% conversion under methane-hydrogen. This illustrates a synergistic effect of the methane-hydrogen atmosphere for coal liquefaction using this catalyst system." ----------
In their experiments, it does appear that they still used some, more expensive, elemental Hydrogen, as can be obtained, for instance, via water electrolysis. But, Methane can replace some, or most, if we understand "with only 2% hydrogen consumption" correctly, of the elemental Hydrogen which might otherwise be required to maximize liquid hydrocarbon productivity from coal-derived synthesis gas.
And, yet again, as we have thoroughly documented: Methane can be synthesized via the Sabatier recycling of Carbon Dioxide; and, the steam, or hydro, gasification of Coal.
Since the discovery of coal in Boone County in 1742 by John Peter Shirley, West Virginia has substantially benefited from the coal mining industry. Coal mining has been a significant part of West Virginia’s economy in terms of Gross Domestic Product4, employment, wages, and tax revenues. The scope of this report is to quantify the economic impact of the coal mining industry on the West Virginia economy with special emphasis on 2008.
Awards presented during annual Coal Symposium in Charleston
CHARLESTON, W.Va. – Thirty-three West Virginia mining operations were recognized for stellar safety efforts in 2009 during the West Virginia Coal Association’s 37th Annual Mining Symposium on Thursday. “All of our companies strive to meet the highest standards of safety.” West Virginia Coal Association President Bill Raney said. “I wish we could recognize every single operation. These award winners are fantastic examples of the commitment to safety every one of our member companies shows on a daily basis.