Weekly Production / Consumption Summary

West Virginia coal production rebounded from the Thanksgiving holiday week, with in-state production increasing +5.5% week over week:  +8% in the NAPP region of the state and +2.7% in the state’s CAPP region.  National coal production increased week over week by +9.5%, with production from the entire NAPP thermal region increasing by +7.2%.  Implied national met production increased by +6% from the previous week.  Year to date, West Virginia coal production is off by -29.1% from last year:  -24.8% in the NAPP region of the state and -33.5% in the state’s CAPP region.  National coal production is down by -24.3% from last year:  -29.2% in the Appalachian region, -29.9% in the Interior basin and -20% in the Western region.  Coal production from the entire NAPP thermal region is off by -28% compared to last year and implied national met production is down -27% from last year.

Appalachian thermal coal prices increased from the previous week:  +3% for NAPP coal and +3.1% for CAPP thermal coal.  Illinois Basin pricing was unchanged and prices decreased by -0.4% for Powder River Basin coal and -0.3% for Western Bituminous coal.  Average natural gas prices increased by 17% from the previous week (+$0.40).

U.S. iron and steel production increased week over week by +1.1% with furnace capacity utilization increasing by 1.1%.  Year to date, domestic steel production is off by -18.2% and capacity utilization is down by almost 16% compared to last year. 

National electric generation increased from the previous week by +11.6%.  Output in the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic and Southeast regions increased by almost 13% week over week.  Generation in the Central Industrial region increased by 12%.

U.S. rail traffic also rebounded from the Thanksgiving holiday week by almost +20%.  Coal loadings increased by +9%, Finished steel and steel raw materials increased by +5.6% week over week, auto parts and finished auto carloads increased by +37%.  

The U.S. Commerce Department released the latest U.S. coal export data (October) last week.  Met coal exports declined by 3% from September.  Thermal coal exports declined by 6% month over month.  Year to date, U.S. exports of metallurgical coal are down by -26.3% and thermal coal exports are off by -36.5% from last year.  Average met coal export prices increased from September by 4% (+$3.78/ton) while average thermal coal export prices fell by -5.4% (-$3.50/ton) from the previous month. 

The World Steel Association published global iron and steel production data for October earlier this week.  Steel production continued to increase month over month in most of West Virginia’s primary met coal markets:  +10% in Europe, +7.2% in North America, +8.3% in South America, +6.3% in India, +11% in Japan, +0.4% in South Korea and +0.1% in Ukraine.  Excluding China, global steel production increased from September by +9.2%.  Chinese iron and steel production decreased by -0.3% from September.  Year to date, iron and steel production is off -12.7% in Europe, -29.8% in North America, -13% in South America, -18% in India, -18% in Japan, -6.7% in South Korea and -5.4% in Ukraine compared to last year.  Excluding Chinese production, total global iron and steel production is off by almost 14% compared to 2019.  Chinese production is up +5.4% compared to last year. 

WV DEP Publishes Draft TMDL for Big Sandy, Lower Ohio River and Twelvepole Creek Watesheds

The WV DEP has published a draft TMDL for select streams in the Big Sandy, Ohio River and Twelvepole Creek watersheds.  Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDLs) are plans to bring streams into compliance with state water quality standards and typically include load reductions that may result in lower NPDES permit limits for certain parameters / activities.  The proposed TMDL is for streams that are not meeting standards for fecal coliform, iron, selenium, pH, aluminum, beryllium and dissolved oxygen.  The comment period on the draft TMDL closes on January 12, 2021.  More details on the draft plan are available at: https://dep.wv.gov/WWE/watershed/TMDL/grpe/Pages/default.aspx

Rulemaking Review Committee Advances Water Quality Standards Changes

On Wednesday the Rulemaking Review Committee of the West Virginia Legislature advanced revisions to the state's water quality standards rule related to human health / consumption.  WV DEP has proposed revisions to 24 human health / exposure standards.  The revisions were supported by the West Virginia Coal Association and were developed by a working group that includes industry, environmental and community representatives.  The rule package will be considered by the full Legislature during the 2021 Regular Session.  More detail on the changes can be found at: https://dep.wv.gov/WWE/Programs/wqs/Pages/WQSpublicmeetings.aspx

WVCA Testifies Before DEP on State "ACE Rule" Implementation Plan

Senior Vice President Chris Hamilton and Vice President Jason Bostic testified at DEP's public hearing on the Agency's proposed Partial State Plan for EPA's ACE Rule. For context, West Virginia is attempting to be the first state to have its plan approved by the current federal administration the application previously filed by Longview Power to begin immediate and full compliance with EPA's Affordable Clean Energy Rule. Both Hamilton and Bostic spoke in support of DEP's proposed plan which eventually will serve as host for applications form all 8 in state coal-fired plants.

West Virginia Mining Symposium Set for January 12, 2020

Registration is officially open for the 48th Annual West Virginia Mining Symposium scheduled for one day -- January 12, 2021 at the newly renovated Embassy Suites in Charleston. The main speaker’s program will be in the morning of January 12th from 9:00 until noon featuring a lineup of excellent speakers and timely topics geared for mining professionals. Speakers are provided the option to present in-person or virtually. 

The 2020 mine safety and environmental award winners will be announced during the program, but the traditional awards presentation will be reserved for another event to be announced and held later in the year. The afternoon session will be comprised of a membership meeting and a legislative workshop. All COVID protocols and social distancing guidelines will be in effect. For more information or registration, please contact Christine Minardi at CMinardi@wvcoal.com or by calling WVCA at 304-342-4153.