WV Coal Association Statement Regarding the WV Public Service Commission’s Order in the AEP Utility Rate Case

Charleston, W.Va. – Chris Hamilton, president and chief executive officer of the West Virginia Coal Association offers the following statement regarding the West Virginia Public Service Commission’s order approving AEP’s request to comply with federally mandated environmental requirements at the John Amos, Mountaineer and Mitchell coal-fired power plants:

“On behalf of West Virginia’s mining and coal-fired electric generation industries, we appreciate the West Virginia Public Service Commission’s thoughtful and pragmatic order approving AEP to continue operating the John Amos, Mountaineer and Mitchell power plants through, at least, 2040.

Keeping these coal plants operational is not only the cheapest option for ratepayers, doing so retains thousands of jobs at the power plants, maintains significant sources of state and local tax revenue, keeps the local communities around these facilities vibrant, and sustains the coal mines, miners and hundreds of associated vendors that supply these plants with fuel.

Compared to replacing the coal plants with other generation sources or buying power from the wholesale market, upgrading these three generation facilities is the least expensive option for West Virginia rate payers and is clearly in the best interest of our state and our citizens.”

For additional information, contact Chris Hamilton at (304) 342-4153.

PSC Approves Continued Operation of Three Coal-fired Power Plants

CHARLESTON, WV – The Public Service Commission has approved Appalachian Power Company and Wheeling Power Company’s request to keep the Amos, Mountaineer, and Mitchell plants operational until at least 2040.

Today’s Order will not immediately affect the power bills of West Virginia customers.  The original Order in this case resulted in a rate increase that would add approximately $2.64 per month to the current bill of a residential customer who uses 1,000 kWh per month.  Any additional amount that results from today’s Order will require the companies a further proceeding to recover the costs of implementing the upgrades.

The Order points out that benefits of the plants’ continued operation to the state’s economy are considerable.  Direct employment at the plants; use of West Virginia coal; state, county and local taxes related to operating generation plants; and related employment in businesses supporting the plants and the coal industry cannot be discounted or overlooked.  The Commission also considered the reliability of fuel secure base load generation capacity in making its decision.

Today’s Order is the result of Virginia and Kentucky refusing to approve the Coal Combustion Residue and Effluent Limitation Guideline upgrades required for the plants’ continued operation.  The Commission determined that if those two states will not share the cost of the upgrades, they will not be permitted to use the capacity and energy produced by the plants.

For more information, go to the PSC website at www.psc.state.wv.us and refer to Case No. 20-1040-E-CN.

Media Statement Regarding the WV Public Service Commission’s Review of the AEP Utility Rate Case

Charleston, W.Va. – Chris Hamilton, president and chief executive officer of the West Virginia Coal Association offers the following statement regarding the mining industry’s position on the West Virginia Public Service Commission’s hearing today to extend the lifespan of three American Electric Power coal-fired power plants.

“West Virginia’s mining industry fully supports the West Virginia Public Service Commission’s (WV PSC) August 14th decision that unconditionally approved AEP’s request to comply with federally mandated environmental requirements at the John Amos, Mountaineer and Mitchell coal-fired power plants and we fully support AEP’s request for full cost recovery.

Attention Friends of Coal Everywhere -- We Must ACT Today!

There are two ongoing critical issues impacting West Virginia’s coal industry and the local jobs the industry supports warranting your personal attention and involvement!

The first issue is before Congress involving a utility buy-out plan and the other matter is before the West Virginia Public Service Commission (WVPSC) involving three of our state’s coal-fired power plants.  Both issues will likely be decided this month.


Congress is considering an amendment to the Budget Reconciliation bill to include a Clean Energy Purchase Program (CEPP) that, like the proposed Clean Energy Standard, will incentivize coal-fired utilities to be monetarily rewarded to transition away from fossil energy (coal).  This issue will likely be decided in the United States Senate where Senator Joe Manchin will be a deciding factor.

If passed, the CEPP will lead to an accelerated shut down of West Virginia’s coal mining industry and existing fleet of coal-fired power facilities and will eliminate hundreds of thousands of jobs across the country in the coal mining, transportation and utility industries.

Please contact Senator Joe Manchin today to express your appreciation for his strong stance against this proposal and to encourage his continued opposition.

Contact Senator Joe Manchin by clicking here.

Issue 2:

The WVPSC has agreed to reopen AEP’s request for West Virginia to guarantee a funding mechanism so it can proceed with environmental compliance at the John Amos, Mountaineer and Mitchell coal-fired power plants so they can continue to operate past 2028.

The utilities plans were thwarted when regulators in Kentucky and Virginia did not approve all relevant upgrades.

The WVPSC is accepting public comments now and has scheduled an evidentiary hearing for 9:30 on September 24 at the WVPSC headquarters in Charleston.

We ask all Friends of Coal to please submit a comment “in support of all upgrades and cost recovery” for AEP and if your schedule permits, to personally attend the PSC hearing in Charleston on September 24th.

To submit a comment, click here

  1. Once on the website, click the dropdown menu under “select a high-profile case”
  2. Choose case number:  20-1040-E-CN in the search box and click “search”
  3. Check the box that reads, “I support this case”, and then enter your comments and contact information

Both of these issues pose a serious and immediate threat to our industry so we must stand up and speak out for Coal today!

Thank you for your ongoing support and assistance.

WV’s Public Service Commission Rules in Favor of Keeping the Mitchell Plant Open!

West Virginia’s Public Service Commission (WV PSC) announced Wednesday evening that they have given the go-ahead for improvements that could extend the operational lives of three coal-fired power plants in the state — John Amos, Mountaineer and Mitchell.

This is tremendous news for West Virginia’s state and local economies and a big win for our coal industry!

In the ruling, the WV PSC stated:

“Based on the extensive record before us, we find that the upgrades at all three power Plants are prudent, cost effective, and in the best interest of the current and future utility customers, the State’s economy, and the interests of the Companies,” commissioners wrote.