WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Coal-fired Electric Generation Offers Low-Cost, Reliable Power to West Virginia

By: Chris Hamilton President & CEO
West Virginia Coal Association

Recent news stories across the state have reported on a tentative agreement advanced by several parties to a typical public electric utility rate case, whereby the utility petitions the Public Service Commission to recover partial costs the utility incurred to keep West Virginia’s lights on. Some suggest that the agreement and others like it are not in the best interest of the public.

West Virginia has always enjoyed extremely low-cost and reliable energy primarily due to our modem coal-fired electric manufacturing facilities and nearby high quality, clean burning coal reserves. It’s been our natural advantage and continues to be the best deal around as evidenced by all the new investment by large industrial power consumers (e.g., Nucor, Omnis Energy, Fidelis New Energy, and many others) that chose West Virginia for our competitive costs of energy and other reasons.

OP ED: Energy Transition Promises Largely Unfulfilled

By: Chris Hamilton
President & CEO West Virginia Coal Association

In a November 29 column, MetroNews Talkline Host Hoppy Kercheval highlights new research that shows that “the idea that a laid off roof bolter can get a new job making solar panels or installing wind turbines is largely an unfulfilled promise”.

He’s referring to the promises made by the Biden Administration, liberal leaders, and environmental extremists that workers in carbon intensive industries can find work in the Green Energy fields of wind and solar. According to the research, “the transition rate is even lower in our state. The New York Times reported that the study showed that ‘Less than a quarter of a percent of workers who left a fossil fuel job in West Virginia moved on to a job in renewable energy’.”

West Virginia Industrial Electric Rates Second Lowest In The Nation Due To Coal-Fired Generation

Validating what the West Virginia Coal Association has known for years, the West Virginia Public Service Commission recently announced the findings of a U.S. Energy Administration study that found West Virginia’s industrial electric rates are the second lowest in the nation and lowest in the nation overall since 2000.

“The study corroborates what energy experts have known all along: that West Virginia's industrial electric rates are indeed among the lowest in the country thanks in large part to West Virginia’s ecosystem of coal-fired electric generation facilities,” said Chris Hamilton, President and Chief Executive Officer of the West Virginia Coal Association.

Our New Radio Spot Celebrates West Virginia Coal – Tune In!

Great news! Friends of Coal has just launched an invigorating new radio spot, and we’re eager for you to hear it.

West Virginia coal is powering ahead, reaching 45 countries and drawing global admiration for its quality. Our radio spot celebrates this remarkable reach and the billions invested in our state's coal mining, ensuring it remains a dependable energy source for generations.

More than just energy, our coal sector supports over 50,000 jobs, bolstering our economy and keeping families thriving. We invite you to tune into our vibrant spot on your local stations and join us in recognizing the robust future of coal in our state.

“Bloomberg Strikes Again”

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Commits $500 Million to Destroy American Jobs, U.S. Energy Reliability 

Charleston, W.Va. – With an announced $500 million commitment to expand the Beyond Carbon campaign, former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg seeks to shut down every remaining coal-fired power plant in the country, slash natural gas plant capacity in half, and block any new gas plants, all within the next six years. 

Rachel Gleason, President of the Pennsylvania Coal Alliance, remarked “It is an absolute attack on our state, our livelihoods, and our families. It is un-American that someone would use their wealth to destroy our state and nation’s industrial base and also seek to send a large segment of the 381,000 American workers in industry to the unemployment line while destabilizing electric reliability and security in America.”