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WV DEP Publishes Draft TMDL for Big Sandy, Lower Ohio River and Twelvepole Creek Watesheds

The WV DEP has published a draft TMDL for select streams in the Big Sandy, Ohio River and Twelvepole Creek watersheds.  Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDLs) are plans to bring streams into compliance with state water quality standards and typically include load reductions that may result in lower NPDES permit limits for certain parameters / activities.  The proposed TMDL is for streams that are not meeting standards for fecal coliform, iron, selenium, pH, aluminum, beryllium and dissolved oxygen.  The comment period on the draft TMDL closes on January 12, 2021.  More details on the draft plan are available at: https://dep.wv.gov/WWE/watershed/TMDL/grpe/Pages/default.aspx