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Committee Substitute Prepared for H.R. 5663

Committee Substitute for H.R. 5663 which was introduced by Chairman George Miller of the US House Education and Labor Committee during Wednesday’s official Committee “Mark-up”.  Thanks largely to the special efforts of several WVCA, NMA, and BCOA members, the Committee Substitute contains some favorable changes over the introduced version, but remains generally ominous. The threat of moderate legislation from Congresswoman Capito looming over House deliberations is also believed to have played a role in Chairman Miller’s decision to “soften” the bill. 

Among other changes, the Chairman’s Substitute eliminates the proposed definition of S&S violations; revises and lowers the proposed penalties and miner loss of pay provisions; further alters the proposed POV program and directs the General Accountability Office to analyze MSHA’s plan approval process.

Chairman Miller maintains optimism that the full House will pass H.R. 5663 before the Labor Day recess or July 30th.

Communications and work continues with Senator Rockefeller and his staff with greater success to amend the bill anticipated once the bill is taken up by the Senate.