
37th Annual Mining Symposium

Below is the tentative agenda for the two days of the 37th Annual Mining Symposium.  The agendas for the Health & Safety and Environmental Sessions will be finalized by the first of next week and will be e-mailed.
11:30 a.m. Lunch sponsored by Jackson Kelly
1 p.m.       Health & Safety Session
1 p.m.       Environmental Session
        (agendas for each will follow the first of week)
5 p.m.       Associate’s Welcoming Reception
7:00 a.m.   REGISTRATION
7:30 a.m.   Breakfast sponsored by Dinsmore & Shohl and
Logan Corporation
8:30 a.m.   Welcome & Introductions
                James O. Bunn
                WVCA Chairman
8:45 a.m.   Central Appalachian Challenges
                Joe Craft, President/CEO
                Alliance Coal Company
9:30 a.m.   U. S. Coal Forecast 2010
                Hal Quinn, President
                National Mining Association
10:15 a.m. Break sponsored by Steptoe & Johnson
10:30 a.m. The State of the State
                Governor Joe Manchin
                State of West Virginia
11:15 a.m. American Energy Securities Study
                Kenneth Nemeth, Executive Director
                Southern States Energy Board
12 noon     Mountaineer Guardian Luncheon
                Sponsored by Bowles Rice and
Marshall Miller Associates
                Awards Presentation by WV Office of Miners’
Health, Safety & Training
2 p.m.       MSHA 2010
                Joe Main, Assistant Secretary
                U. S. Mine Safety & Health Administration
2:40 p.m.   West Virginia’s Coal Economy
                Tom Witt, WVU / Cal Kent, Marshall University
3:30 p.m.   Break sponsored by Steptoe & Johnson
3:45 p.m.   Coal Advocacy
                        -- Friends of Coal Ladies Auxiliary
                        -- FACES
                        -- Mountain Top Mining Coalition
5 p.m.       Legislative Reception
7 a.m.       Registration
7:30 a.m.   Breakfast sponsored by Brickstreet and
Wells Fargo Insurance – Energy & Mining Group
8 a.m.       Welcome
8:15 a.m.   Congressional Activity Relating to Coal
                Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito
9 a. m.      OSM 2010
                Joseph Pizarchik, Director
                U. S. Office of Surface Mining
9:45 a.m.   Renewable Energy –
The Gap Between the Idea and Reality
                Dr. Charles Bayless
10:30 a.m. Break sponsored by Steptoe & Johnson
10:45 a.m. Environmental Litigation Update
                Bob McLusky
                Jackson Kelly, PLLC
11:30 a.m. West Virginia’s Mining & Reclamation Program
                Randy Huffman, Cabinet Secretary
                Tom Clarke, Director, Division of Mining & Reclamation
                WV Department of Environmental Protection
12:15 p.m. Reclamation Awards Luncheon
                Sponsored by Spilman Thomas & Battle and Potesta & Associates
                Awards Presentation:  Randy Huffman, Cabinet Secretary
                WV Department of Environmental Protection