WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1



This is an “update” to the earlier notice and is intended to draw attention to the Corps of Engineers’ public hearing in Knoxville, Tennessee since there is a need to attract a crowd in the state where their U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander has introduced legislation in Congress to do away with surface mining.  While there are a limited number of companies mining Tennessee coal there will likely be a large crowd of opponents at the hearing.
Friends of Coal are joining with the Eastern Coal Council to assist Dan Roling of National Coal Corp. in Tennessee and Chuck Laine of the Tennessee Mining Association in an effort to get as many coal supporters as possible to Knoxville.  The Eastern Coal Council has a bus leaving from Norton @ 1:p.m. Tuesday, October 13th.  People can park their cars on the Magic Mart’s parking lot near the guard rail. The bus will stop at United Coal’s office in Blountville to get folks from the TriCities area and then travel to Knoxville.  We will be joined by the TN people and then travel to the Convention Center.
 If you have questions or need additional information, please call Barbara or Marsha at 276-964-6363.
Barbara’s cell 276-970-5580 Marsha’s cell 276-210-7514.
We would appreciate anyone and everyone who could make the trip to support our brothers and sisters in Tennessee.  The Knoxville hearing will be held at the Knoxville Convention Center at 7:00 p.m.