A Christmas Message from Friends of Coal

During this holiest of seasons, the Friends of Coal would like to wish all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah and a joyous, safe and secure New Year!
We want to take the time to thank God for all the blessings he has bestowed on our nation and our people. He has given us so many gifts and poured his bounty upon us all.
We want to thank our military men and women for the sacrifice they give willingly to afford us the freedoms we enjoy. We ask that a loving God bring them home when their work is done.
We want to thank you for all the support you have given us this past year. It has been a trying year – but we have faced it together and we will make it through, more united and more determined than ever.
We want to take a moment to remember those who have passed from our rolls this year and be thankful for the proud legacy they provided for our future. 
We want to always remember those in need ... to reach out and extend our bounty to those less fortunate.
Let us join as one to welcome the New Year and with it a new beginning – a rebirth of freedom and a renewal of hope.